Case Studies

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AKPK Gamification Download

The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) engaged its workforce of 178 employee across its Kuala Lumpur headquarters and 11 branches across the nation in a 3-month corporate value internalisation and externalisation campaign through gamification.

AKPK’s corporate values were launched in 2014 and a project committee was formed in 2015 to introduce the values to all its employee. The committee was tasked with guiding employee through the internalisation process with the aim of improving
work ethics and overall work performance.

The four corporate values of AKPK consist of Learning, Productivity, Integrity & Sincerity, and Nobility in serving customers. The acronym and short form LEPIN was coined to represent the suite of corporate values. Prior to the gamification application which was introduced in 2019, AKPK utilised various creative methods and devised internal programmes to engage with employees so that they may familiarise with the values. From 2015 to 2018, the corporate values were instilled in the workforce through team building sessions, lectures, training and internal campaigns lasting between one to three months.

The Goal

The corporate culture campaign was created to assist employees with internalising the four corporate values and demonstrate those behaviours with ownership and accountability while undertaking responsibilities in the departments under AKPK. The team had to ensure the internalisation process was equally effective no matter if employees were located at the headquarters or branches. In addition, having attempted various methods of coaching employees on the corporate culture, the project committee discovered that gamification had the most positive impact and longer-lasting benefits for all who were involved.

The corporate values of AKPK that the campaign served to inculcate were:

#1 Learning Is Our Light

Continuous acquisition of knowledge and professional skills which were fundamental to the organisation

#2 Productivity Is Our Might

Working cohesively as a team towards achieving objectives and building organisational strength to remain invariably competitive

#3 Integrity & Sincerity Are Our Guide

Earnest adoption of honest, truthful and empathetic attitudes in discharging AKPK’s services

#4 Nobility Is Our Pride

Derivation of satisfaction and passion at work in the quest of improving the financial wellness and well-being of customers

The Challenge

The biggest challenge during the implementation of the 2019 campaign was to get every employee on board while utilising unfamiliar technology and involving employees across multiple departments and generations to achieve the set objectives. With a total of 12 locations spread across the country, inter-office engagement was crucial and a key factor in the campaign’s success.

The Tools

Prior to using the Gametize app, the project committee ran a three-month corporate culture campaign in 2018 and gamified it using a points system. Employees were assigned full points which were then added or deducted using a merit and demerit system. The tedious effort of recording all 178 employees’ scoresheets on a daily basis using a spreadsheet prompted the committee to search for a tool to ease and automate the process for the future.

Executed from mid-July to mid-September 2019, the campaign spanned 10 major topics spearheaded by 9 departments and committees. The campaign produced the following capabilities and output:

• Weekly challenges: Weekly or bi-weekly challenges were dispensed via the app and may include up to four challenges spread throughout the week.

• High user engagement: The game was varied and challenging, thereby keeping employees on their toes and created much excitement and interest. Engagement of the users were at a record high throughout the campaign.

• Team player: Started off as an individual player, participants graduated to become team players by the middle of the game and had a steep learning curve to bond and perform effectively as a team.

• Soft skills and creativity: With the various challenges which involved passive and active learning, employees had the chance to utilise their skills, learn new ones, employ creativity and communicate effectively in achieving the game’s objectives.

• Organisation: Employees did a spring cleaning of their workplace in preparation of their mission (in line with occupational, safety and health guidelines). In addition, they had to organise themselves within the team and designate roles to team members in order to work well together.

• Health emphasis: The modules on health included physical health, mental and emotional health, personal safety and self-defense tips, and even a financial health component to ensure that participants are fit to do their best at work and at play.

• Ownership: Employees were given the responsibility to identify third party agents, monitor social media and understand the guidelines of whistleblowing, thereby making them aware of their ownership and accountability over the matter.


Our Values

We guided the LEPIN project team to gamify AKPK’s corporate culture campaign through constructive training on gamification tools and applications. The training was followed up with succinct coaching throughout the project. This helped the project team to successfully run the campaign. The results of the campaign have convinced AKPK’s management team to update AKPK’s human resources policies that have improved the overall employee performance and satisfaction with the company.


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