The study of humans and their behaviour has always been fascinating; sometimes it is more art, sometimes it is more science. This leads to the marriage of psychology and science to bring more objectivity to areas that are perceived to be abstract; which lays the foundation for our practice and the creation of Psyence® in our name.
Our Psyentist® have the uncanny ability to ‘read’ people through psychometric assessments (scientific methods and quantitative measures) to better understand the competency and psychological variables of a person such as personality, aptitude, intelligence and emotions.
We run DIAGNOSTICS to ascertain the underlying causes of an issue using a range of assessments. Customised according to the needs of our clients, our diagnostic tools run deep to help us evaluate performance and potential. Our solutions include:
When the root cause of people issues or problems has been determined, a PRESCRIPTION of elements that need to be changed or modified will be advised. This includes the recommendation of practical HR interventions to produce the desired behaviours and cultures. Our solutions include:
To complete the cycle, appropriate TREATMENT needs to be implemented to ensure the desired changes take place. From entry-level to boardroom executives, there are interventions that cater for the development of individuals or teams that ultimately creates a healthy workforce to drive the organisation forward. Our solutions include:
Just as one would return for a periodical check-up, there are POST-TREATMENT assessments to evaluate an individual’s progress. While the usual measure of client satisfaction is a testimonial, it is certainly best to have a quantitative evaluation of our solutions. Our solutions include: Just as one would return for a periodical check-up, there are POST-TREATMENT assessments to evaluate an individual’s progress. While the usual measure of client satisfaction is a testimonial, it is certainly best to have a quantitative evaluation of our solutions. Our solutions include:
Different people may act differently in response to a particular situation or stimulus. Using validated assessments, we can gain insight into the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of his/her workplace behavioural styles.
View Behavioural AssessmentsCognitive ability is defined as the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Aptitude tests are designed to measure cognitive ability and consistently shown as one of the best predictors of workplace effectiveness.
View Cognitive Ability AssessmentsDifferent jobs require different competencies and with a structured and objective assessment approach, it can help to identify candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of competencies and benchmark him/her to the nominated role and the required competencies.
View Competency AssessmentsGoing beyond emotional intelligence, mental strength is key to focus one’s thoughts and actions towards one’s ability to adapt to challenges, work better in teams and enhance performance at work.
View Emotion / Mental Toughness AssessmentValues are one of the keys that guide our judgement and actions. Individuals and organisations both have their own set of value systems that attribute to their behaviours. When there is alignment between the employee’s to the organisation’s values, it will facilitate positive organisational outcomes.
View Values AssessmentsPeople Psyence® has won the Gold Award at HR Vendors of the Year 2020, 2019 and 2017 Awards, Malaysia under the category of “Best Psychometric Testing Provider”. This award is presented to companies who successfully provide insights into a candidate’s personality/future behavior on a consistent basis; as well as to help match the candidate with the employer’s culture and working.